Donate to Project Phayao Church Plant
Who we are
Project Phayao-Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), a non-profit charitable organization with 501(C)(3) in the USA, is committed to connecting people in need with people who care. We are committed to being salt and light in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, darkness is everywhere, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives.
Since we began our 501c charitable foundation, on September 11, 2007, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM) has been committed to compassionate action. NTIM is also passionate about helping to meet the needs of people in communities. This is done by creating opportunities in the areas of education, with an emphasis on helping the poor. Through teaching ESL and creating opportunities in the areas of health and social welfare. This is done with a special emphasis on ministering to those affected by HIV/AIDS, street children, and others involved in human trafficking. We strive to create opportunities in the areas of community and spiritual welfare, emphasizing developing strong leaders, strong disciples, and strong churches.
God is at work in mighty ways in and around Northern Thailand drawing people to Himself and impacting communities for Jesus. We believe in this generation and in their capacity to respond to the challenges that cripple hope and dignity for people. We believe God is calling His people all over the world to join hands in taking the message and love of Jesus to people who are victims of poverty, human trafficking, and undereducated living in the heart of the 10-40 window. On our own, we each can make a difference in the world, but collectively as a team, we are a force for good that exponentially surpasses what we can do alone.
Project Phayao is a future church plant in the city of Phayao in Northern Thailand. This will be the first Baptist church in the entire province! We are excited to be working on this endeavor and hope to launch mid 2026.
Will you join us and work together with us to make a difference in our world?