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Project Phayao Church Plant


Our Story

 Currently, less than 1% of Thai people have a saving relationship with Jesus.  In this area of the world most of the people groups here are considered unreached people groups.  It is because of this level of lostness that Crosspoint Church has partnered with Baan Athithaan Church and Grace Language school since 2016.  In this timeframe they have sent teams at least twice a year to support and serve the Thai people.  Almost immediately we started praying asking the Lord for His direction for us in Thailand.  He made it very clear that we should plant a church in Northern Thailand in order to help spread the Gospel.  In 2018 after much prayer and consideration we decided that we would plant a church in the college town of Phayao.  

Under the guidance and direction of Pastor Michael and his team, Doug and Paulette Piper have sold everything they had in the US, left their jobs and moved to Thailand to start this church planting project in Phayao.   Currently, they are serving with Pastor Michael in Chiang Rai, learning the culture and completing their Thai language acquisition.  At the same time they are researching locations to house the school/church and are hoping to hire and train the initial staff soon. 

We plan to copy the model that has been successful for Michael and NTIM for over 20 years.  The Thai people are hungry to learn the English language.  This provides us with the opportunity to build relationships through English.  As we build these relationships we share the gospel with them and over time many people come to a saving faith in Jesus.  

Phayao is the perfect place to start a new language school and plant a church.  There is a large university and a few smaller colleges around the city.  We plan to start the school close to the University of Phayao near the city as well so that we can have a mix of younger students and college aged students.

Please read through the website for more information, or email me for any questions you may have!

3 Ways to Partner:

There are three ways you can support our ministry in Thailand. More than anything, we ask for you to pray for us and our family. Joining our support team is a great way to stay up to date on the work God is doing in Thailand as well as specific prayer needs for our family.  Additionally, we would love for you to join us for a short term mission trip!!

Pray for our mission

Join our community of prayer. There are 2 ways to stay up to date with us

Support our missions effort

If you feel led, you can support us through regular giving.

Jin us on mission

We would love to have you join us in in Thailand so you can experience what God is doing here!!

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